Category Archives: Real Life
Your issues may be more than the game’s fault…
I started dinking around with computers in 1986 (almost 9 years after I got into table top gaming) and ever since then I have had a passion for computers that is borderline obsessive…okay, not quite that bad, but close. I am always looking for the next great toy to add, or the next best look [...]
WWNE? (What Would Noah Eat?)
Here’s another behind the scenes look at Channel Massive. If it wasn’t for his favorite fast food chain, Noah would starve to death. I’d like to remind all of the party people in the hizzy to drop by this weeks Massive Mess of an Opinion. Make sure you leave a comment and you’ll be entered [...]
A Fond Farewell
In that all good things must come to an end, I write today to our loyal listeners to tell you that I have made a decision to leave the M-Team. No, I don’t plan to record a rant per week and send it off to every MMO podcast on iTunes. Frankly, as Julien pointed out, [...]
The Pentagon Thinks that WoW is a Terrorist Tool
According to Noah Shachtman at Wired in his article, “Pentagon Researcher Conjures Warcraft Terror Plot,” terrorists may be planning real life attacks in a virtual space such as WoW. Dr. Dwight Toavs, National Defense University professor, demonstrated a hypothetical scenario to the Director of National Intelligence Open Source Conference. “In it, two World of Warcraft [...]
A New Kind of “Ism”
Bob, a respected member of the Channel Massive guild on World of Warcraft, wrote in to share a story of how he discovered a whole new kind of bigotry when he was “snubbed” at an activities group interview. The M-Team will officially comment on Bob’s email in Episode 57; however, we felt that it was [...]
I’m Not Pointing Any Fingers, But…
…if the shoe fits, I suppose. You are, afterall, reading a blog post on a website dedicated to writing and talking about Massively Multiplayer Online Video Games, so I can’t imagine this is the first time someone has called you a nerd. Anyway, I listened to the Public Radio syndicated show, The Sound of Young [...]
The Spell Is Lifted — At Least for a Day
Those of you who listen to the show regularly know about my recent injury. All play-by-play joking aside, I fractured my tibia and fibula sliding into third base playing league kickball on the 19th of May. I had internal malleoral fixation surgery a week ago and basically ever since my injury, I’ve been sequestered to [...]
Ten Things I’ve Learned On Vacation
1. A five star restaurant listed in Fodor’s doesn’t necessarily mean that it tastes good. 2. Don’t be afraid to eat at places named “Hoover’s Beef Palace.” You might be pleasantly surprised. 3. I want a hot tub in my bedroom. 4. We’re here. We’re geeks. And THE FUTCHA IS ARRRRRRS! 5. And I’m soooo [...]
I’m a Lumberjack and I’m OK
For anyone concerned, I am still alive. Since I haven’t been able to attend the podcast recordings lately due to blizzards, business travel, car problems, working like a dog, and last but not least, automotive assassination attempts while riding my bicycle, I want everyone to know that I’m still around and still a part of [...]
Who Do You Trust? (part deux)
I came across a story this morning and I couldn’t help but be reminded of our round table discussion/rant from Episode 20 when we talked the credibility of bloggers vs. professional journalists. Apparently, back in 2002, software developer/RSS and Blog pioneer, Dave Winer made a wager via with Martin Nisenholtz, an executive from the [...]