Category Archives: Mindless Entertainment

Deep (Random) Thoughts While Watching the 2009 VGA’s

Since I’m stuck at home with a sick kid (pink eye ftl), I thought I’d share some random thoughts that I had while watching this years  2009 Video Game Awards. What can I say?  I’m a glutton for punishment.

Times is tough… what’s a girl to do?

How ’bout work at an E3 booth? This is a little overdue, but I figure you can never be too late with a set of “booth personnel” photos.  And since our WordPress is all sorts of bunk in terms of image uploads and splitting content between pages and who knows what else, you can expect [...]

Half Life 2 Brought To Life

What does five hundred bucks and quite a bit of talent get you? This awesome video.

The Seeker Found an Audience

Apparently enough people dig The Legend of the Seeker to bring it back for a second season. Why?  Has it really improved that much since I watched the first two episodes and chucked my remote at my poor television? Do I need to give this series a second chance or is it still a steaming [...]

Fluff or Grunge? Beauty or Beasty?

So after 30+ years of gaming, it finally hits me.. the type of game I enjoy… Grungy with good dash of Beasty’ness.  I realized while romping around in LoTRO last night that one of the major reasons I am disappointed, is the graphics.  There is far too much fluff.  The game is gorgeous.  That is [...]

I’ll take a Quadruple and a nurse to go

Watch CBS Videos Online

WWNE? (What Would Noah Eat?)

Here’s another behind the scenes look at Channel Massive. If it wasn’t for his favorite fast food chain, Noah would starve to death. I’d like to remind all of the party people in the hizzy to drop by this weeks Massive Mess of an Opinion.  Make sure you leave a comment and you’ll be entered [...]

Channel Massive — The Drinking Game!

Truly inspired by we boozers at Channel Massive, our friend and long-time listener, Josh from the land down under, decided to invent a Channel Massive drinking game with the following rules: Must be using spirits of some kind. When someone sings on the podcast: Have a shot. When someone swears: Have a shot. When “WARHAMMER” [...]

The Physical World of Warcraft

For the amateur physicists out there — game design consultant, James Wallis has spent his sabbatical analyzing WoW. Using various methods, he has calculated the size, density and gravity of the planetoid you know as Azeroth. Azeroth is a very small planet, yet it has a gravity comparable to earth’s. Through clever means, James is [...]

Screw You Guitar Hero 3…

Long time listeners know that Raining Blood on GH3 has been my nemesis for many months now. Regardless of difficulty level, it’s always been the one song that has made me want to bash my guitar controller against the wall on many occasions. I imagine my reaction would be almost as childish as this kids [...]

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