Category Archives: Bioware

The Hellfire Club is looking for a few good Sith!

Anyone who knows me, or listens to the podcast, will surely know that it’s been a looooooooooooooooong time since I was actually excited about an MMO.  Well, hell has frozen over and I’m pretty fired up about SWTOR.  Thanks to the prolific distribution of beta keys, I think Bioware managed to impress a fair number [...]

Yet another SWTOR Beta Impression

I know I have been absent for a while. RL slowing down will hopefully allow me to get back in the swing of things. It seems everyone else is giving their thoughts on SW:TOR now that the NDA has been dropped. Many of the impressions I have read I find that I disagree with and [...]

Interview with a Dragon Age 2 Lover

This final installment for Dragon Age 2 week presents you the listener with Scott’s take on the game. He’s put a ton of time into it and if you still haven’t purchased it yet, he might convince you to do so…immediately! So hearken to the words of Scott and let us know if you’ve taken [...]

Episode 149: The Grammacolossus Relevancy of the Doubly Perverse: Knowledgeability

Summary Mark, Jason and Noah bring out the Cheyenne Valentine in everyone while discussing Old Republic’s inability to make a profit (dark predictions!), Stargate necromancy, Harmonix’s sale, and, unrelated, the sale of fake crap.

What’s in a Word?

In an announcement that was drowned out by the screams of thousands of privacy advocates across the world, Bioware recently opened up “Game Testing” on Star Wars: The Old Republic. “Game Testing for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is underway! Those selected to test will gain access to the game and be able to provide valuable feedback [...]

Where’s the Party?

I’m about to blog about something that’s “so two weeks ago,” but car wrecks and general “Nintensanity” have kept me a little busy. Nevertheless, I’m so excited about Star Wars: The Old Republic‘s companions, I feel something needs to be written about them on Channel Massive, particularly on an angle I’ve not seen from either [...]

The Greatest Story Ever Told – Dragon Age: Origins Review

Bloodied, tired, and bald.

Misadventures in Dragon Age:Origins (Let’s Get Naked Edition)

The innocent chantry girl takes advantage of my poor mage after a night of drinking.

Bioware CEO: “We Luv U PC!”

In a statement to allay fears that PC gaming was dying, Ray Muzyka (CEO of Bioware)  said that PC gaming was alive and well and not in a Mtn. Dew induced coma as reported here last week. “Even if we don’t have the sales records to prove it, we’re positive that that plenty of people [...]

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