Tag Archives: Predictions

Channel Massive Episode 230: The Antici…

Summary For their last “normal” episode, Mark and Noah compare notes with PC Gamer’s most anticipated games of 2013.

Channel Massive Episode 229: Predictions for Judgment

Summary Mark and Noah make some predictions for 2013 after digging through some other websites’ best guesses.

Channel Massive Episode 213: Dragonconfluence

Summary Mark, Noah, Southern Scott and Bob have a quick chat, pre-DragonCon, about their fears, hopes and dreams for the show.

Channel Massive Episode 191: Unsubscribers Anonymous

Summary Bob returns to discuss Old Republic’s threat to World of Warcraft, the next Xbox, more Mass Effect 3 hysteria and even a portable Neo Geo.

Channel Massive Episode 183: Fun with Webcams

Summary Mark and Noah talk Blizzcon’s cancellation, Netflix abandoning game rentals and future Xbox controversy.

Channel Massive Episode 180: Games A-Comin

Summary Mark and Noah select their most anticipated games of 2012.

Channel Massive Episode 179: The Portents of 2012

Summary Mark and Noah get all Mayan with their predictions for 2012– from smartphones to SWTOR and all in between.

Channel Massive Episode 177: Bloody Spot

We’re sorry this is a little later than usual– this has been a very busy week for us outside the world of Channel Massive. On the upside, this is one of our longest episodes. Summary Guest Jeff joins us to talk favorite childhood gaming memories, what MMO Ubi could develop, OnLive reaching critical mass and [...]

Channel Massive Episode 176: Embrace the Doom

Summary Noah and Mark flag down the news blimps to discuss ToR’s profitability, the end of console gaming, Obsidian’s next project and 10 other things.

Channel Massive Episode 174: Cable to the Future

Summary Mark and Noah talk headsets, Old Republic classes, Sony’s cable service and the timing of new consoles. Plus cats.

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